Practitioner Focus: Ciara Gibson

What creative project are you currently working on?


I've recently changed my teaching contract from full time to 4 days a week to give me more space in the week for making. I've also started a series of short, weekly sessions locally for adults called 'Make Space, a chance to come together and make space in your week for making and playing. Taking on this role has encouraged me to think about how I use my time. I'm looking forward to being part of the Platform Perth festival next year and keen to do some mixed media work around mythical creatures and landscapes so I'm doing some prep for that.

How does your creative process work?

I’m not really one for planning things out. I love exploring ideas with different materials and then watching what unfolds. While I really enjoy figuring things out and playing, it can sometimes be a struggle to stay focused on the process rather than imagining what the end result will be. I am learning to be more mindful in my making.

My workspace is like an ongoing 3D sketchbook with all the various bits and pieces I'm working on scattered around and piled on top of each other.


What tools or materials could you not live without?

I’m rather obsessed with gelli plate printing and have been using the huge volume of prints I end up with to make all kinds of books and sew into landscapes.  I’m also really enjoying exploring free motion machine embroidery so I’d be lost without my sewing machine.


Where do you search for creative inspiration?

Living in Highland Perthshire I am extremely fortunate to be surrounded by the most stunning landscapes.  Walking the dogs each day in all weathers gives me time to notice the changing seasons and I love thinking about the different pathways we take and the many repeated and familiar journeys we make over the year.

What is the best piece of creative advice you have been given?

Stop thinking and make! 
